The long-haul low-cost airline Norse Atlantic Airways was able to achieve a load factor of 61 percent in December 2023. According to the carrier, it operated nine Boeing 787s in-house and as part of wet lease orders for other airlines.
In the future, the charter and ACMI segment will be the focus of attention. Longer-term contracts would then be concluded. These should provide additional income, especially in winter 2023. However, the company has not yet named any potential clients.
Actually, especially shortly before Christmas, a previous high in terms of ticket sales could be set up. At the turn of the year, the 300,000 passenger mark was exceeded since operations began. To date, around 1,500 commercial flights have been carried out. In December 2022 there were 228 flight movements. 33,172 passengers were recorded on board.
“We continued to execute on our business plan to reduce costs and diversify fleet utilization during the winter. I am particularly pleased that we successfully completed nine wet lease and charter operations in December. As a newcomer to this market, we have clearly demonstrated that Norse has both the technical ability, the high standard of crew and the flexibility required to satisfy our customers in this segment. The company entered 2023 with strong advance bookings in our key markets. We will be announcing additional summer routes from London to the US shortly and I am pleased to confirm that we will also be offering a new EU to US destination shortly,” Sage Bjorn Tore Larsen, CEO of Norse Atlantic Airways .
The article Norse wants to focus more on ACMI and chater flights first appeared on Aviation.Direct.
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