At the beginning of 2025, Cologne/Bonn Airport will take responsibility for organizing and managing aviation security checks.
This was decided through a loan agreement between the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the airport. The agreement is scheduled to be officially signed on November 25, 2024. Previously, this task was the responsibility of the Federal Police, which will now be relieved in order to be able to concentrate more on core police tasks.
The move follows the example of other airports such as Frankfurt and Berlin-Brandenburg, which have already implemented similar transfers of responsibility. According to Thilo Schmid, CEO of Cologne/Bonn Airport, this measure is intended to improve the efficiency of processes and avoid long waiting times, which have led to complaints in the past. Negotiations have been ongoing since 2023 to prepare the handover legally and organizationally.
Particular challenges are expected in logistics and the training of the new security personnel. However, the airport sees itself in a good position as it already has experience in organizing other security processes such as goods inspection.
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