Easyjet has opened a new Integrated Control Center (ICC) in Luton, which will use artificial intelligence (AI) to more efficiently manage the daily flight schedule of around 2,000 flights. With 250 specialists working around the clock, the center manages more than 340 aircraft carrying a total of up to 300,000 passengers in 35 countries.
The ICC uses AI tools to optimize crew scheduling and predict standby crew needs to speed decision-making and improve the customer experience. The center offers a peaceful work environment with natural daylight and customized lighting options, as well as a rest room for employees.
A new generative AI tool called Jetstream was introduced, giving teams instant access to policies and procedures to quickly resolve operational issues. This tool incorporates information from eight operations manuals, increasing team efficiency and responsiveness.
Johan Lundgren, CEO of Easyjet, highlighted the importance of the new facility and AI technology in improving operational efficiency and customer experience. Gill Baudot, Director of Network Control, explains that the team safely transports a quarter of a million passengers to their destinations every day, relying on AI to help them overcome operational challenges.
AI technology also helps minimize food waste, make predictive maintenance decisions, and utilize aircraft optimally, resulting in better aircraft utilization and cheaper fares for passengers.
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