The airline FedEx Express is approaching the end of an era: The freight carrier wants to phase out the last remaining McDonnell Douglas MD-10-30Fs by the end of current business. This year, the three-radiators have not yet been lifted.
The pattern is a modernized variant of the McDonnell Douglas DC-10, but very few operators still operate it. These currently include FedEx Express, the officially available man over seven copies. However, these are parked in Victorville, Indianapolis and Memphis.
The carrier’s annual report states that all MD-10 machines will be decommissioned by the end of the 2023 fiscal year, which ends on May 31, 2023. Among other things, it read: “To reduce the cost of fuel consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions, we have introduced operational efficiency improvements through our global FedEx Fuel Sense program and are replacing many of our older aircraft fuel efficient fuel efficient fuel efficient. FedEx Express will not yet officially comment on the delivery of the McDonnell Douglas MD-10-30-F.
The post FedEx Express before MD-10-30F phase-out appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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