As a result of the aviation security service provider « ESA Luftsicherheit GmbH » failing to pay wages on various German flights, a temporary solution has been found in Weeze. The Federal Association of Aviation Security Companies (BDLS) announced that the company I-Sec will take over the tasks on the Lower Rhine and also make the outstanding payments to the employees.
According to Verdi, all ESA employees in Weeze will be taken over by the new service provider I-Sec, including their previous employment and collective agreement conditions. This will take place as part of a transfer of business in accordance with Section 613a of the German Civil Code (BGB).
According to BDLS President Alexander Borgschulze, the situation in which employees were paid no or only partially was « unsustainable ». The district government in Düsseldorf had given ESA extraordinary notice of termination of the current contract for the controls at Weeze Airport due to problems with staffing the control lanes and outstanding salary payments.
Originally, a temporary solution was to be found until a new contract was awarded in November. In Erfurt and Dresden, where ESA subsidiaries operate, operations are now said to be back to normal after initial problems.
However, ESA was no longer considered for the Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden airport following difficulties in the new tender process. Signature I-Sec took over the tasks here on April 15.
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