The cabin crew of the airline Swiss is apparently very dissatisfied with the new collective labor agreement that the Kapers union and management have agreed on. Some flight attendants are racing against this storm, considering the average wage increase of 250 Swiss francs a month to be too low.
One feels unfairly treated because the starting salaries for new employees increase by around 600 francs per month, while the existing workforce is “only” supposed to receive an additional 250 francs per month. Some flight attendants who have been working for Schweizer for many years consider this to be unfair and feel they have been cheated by their own union.
In December 2022, Kapers described the agreement with Swiss as a minor success after a « tough marathon of negotiations ». It was also emphasized that it was possible to achieve « tangible improvements » for the cabin crew. However, some flight attendants who have been working for Schweizer for a long time see things differently. They are of the opinion that the new GAV would only offer advantages to newcomers.
As a result, internal WhatsApp groups have been formed in which there are heated discussions. Many flight attendants announce that they will reject the new CLA when they vote. Heavy criticism of the union band can also be read. It therefore remains to be seen whether the result of the negotiations WILL be accepted by the members or WILL fail.
The contribution New GAV: Swiss flight attendants strongly criticize their own union first on Aviation.Direct.
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