Due to the corona pandemic, the first edition of the aviation event at Vienna-Schwechat Airport has to be canceled again. But postponement is not over, because the international specialist congress will take place on November 9, 2023.
International aviation experts, representatives from airports, airlines, service providers and technology companies will come together on November 9, 2023 at the “Aviation Event 2023 VIE” at Vienna Airport. Guests can expect exciting keynote speeches from Claudia Plakolm, State Secretary for Youth and Community Service, Olivier Jankovec, General Director of ACI Europe, Charles Schlumberger, Lead Air Transport Specialist at the World Bank, Francesco Sciortino, COO of Austrian Airlines and Julian Jäger, Board Member of Flughafen Wien AG. The event serves as a discussion platform on opportunities and challenges in aviation, market trends, digitalization and sustainability. The event will take place in the AirportCity Space, the ultra-modern event center at Vienna Airport.
“International industry discourse at Vienna Airport: At the “Aviation Event 2023 VIE”, well-known experts will discuss global developments in aviation in our state-of-the-art event location AirportCity Space. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the signs are pointing to growth again, with climate protection and digitalization having high priority. “We look forward to a lively exchange with interested guests about current developments in the aviation industry,” explains Julian Jäger, CEO of Flughafen Wien AG.
Marcel Riwalsky, CEO, Aviation Event: “VIE is the aviation and media highlight at the end of 2023 with a technically sound outlook from Vienna Airport board member Julian Jäger and many other top aviation decision-makers and journalists on the aviation year . “2024.”
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