Low-cost airline Ryanair is expanding its presence at Warsaw Chopin Airport, which is currently less frequented. From there you will fly to Vienna, Charleroi, Palma de Mallorca, Alicante and Paphos.
In the metropolitan area of the Polish capital, the low-cost airline mainly uses the smaller Modlin Airport. In the 2023 summer timetable, five routes will be offered from the larger Chopin Airport. These are Vienna, Palma de Mallorca and Alicante, which are each to be served four times a week. Three times a week to Charleroi and once a week to Paphos. When specifically asked, a company spokesman told Aviation.Direct that the Modlin-Vienna route WILL continue to be served and that Chopin-Vienna WILL therefore also be offered.
The company agrees that the inclusion of routes from Warsaw Airport (WAW) would be at the expense of Modlin Airport. From the latter airport, around 430 flights to 50 destinations will be offered in summer 2023. The management in Modlin and the regional authorities are accused of having no interest in further development.
“We are delighted to open 5 new routes to exciting, sunny destinations such as Alicante, Mallorca and Paphos, as well as attractive cities such as Brussels and Vienna, after Warsaw Chopin and 5. However, it is a pity that this has to happen at the expense of Warsaw-Modlin and the region. For incomprehensible reasons, both the airport management and the regional authorities Ryanair (the largest airline in Europe and Poland) and refuse to participate in the development of Warsaw Modlin Airport – thereby unnecessarily risking the loss of jobs and connections in the region . If the Modlin Airport management and regional authorities don’t act, in the future they will have to explain to local residents why they had no interest in the development of the airport and the region. In the meantime, Ryanair will continue to expand its route network to those airports in Poland and Europe that can increase traffic and guarantee low costs,” explains Michal Kaczmarzyk, Managing Director of Polish Ryan-Buzzir.
The post Warsaw: Ryanair releases five routes from Modlin to Chopin Airport appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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