The airline Aer Lingus will withdraw from Belfast City Airport in the coming year. The connection to London-Heathrow will be permanently discontinued, which is also a consequence of Brexit.
By the end of October 2022, Aer Lingus will have to give up this route because the permit issued by the UK government has expired. At that time it was assumed that this bald head WILL be restored, since flights continued to be carried out. Now the company has confirmed that the route WILL be discontinued in the final spring.
This also has consequences for the staff, because the Belfast-City base is to be dissolved. A spokesman said: « We have informed our staff in Belfast of the likelihood that we will have to cease our flight operations between Belfast and London Heathrow, which we have been operating for 15 years, effective March 26, 2023, which will almost lead to the Baleser Schliesis . We now have consultations with our staff and their representatives, starting with a meeting on Wednesday where we outlined those that may have led to the current situation. »
The post Aer Lingus closes base at Belfast City Airport appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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