In the first nine months of 2022, the Air Baltic Group generated revenues of EUR 362.5 million – an increase of 172 percent compared to 2021. At the same time, net profit in the third quarter of 2022 increased to EUR 17.1 million.
In the first nine months of last year, Air Baltic carried a total of 2.4 million more passengers than in the same period last year. The number of flights operated rose by 88 percent to 27,713 flights.
“The airline industry is recovering from the impact of the pandemic and this is also reflected in our financial results. With a turnover of more than 362.5 million euros and 2.4 million passengers in the first nine months of this year, Air Baltic is on the way back to profitability,” says airline boss Martin Gauss. “The war in Ukraine and all its consequences have significantly changed our market conditions: we are faced with problems in the supply chain, rising fuel prices, restructuring of flight operations and much more. But we remain consistent and our core objective remains the same – Air Baltic will continue to grow its market share by further improving connectivity between the Baltics and the rest of the world,” Gauss continued.
The article Air Baltic achieved a quarterly profit of 17.1 million euros appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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