The Canadian Civil Aviation Authority has issued an urgent safety advisory for the Airbus A220 aircraft. It’s about an issue with the autopilot that may be safety related. The following machines are affected: model BD-500-1A10, all serial numbers and model BD-500-1A11, all serial numbers.
“Engaging the autopilot during takeoff can result in a premature turn, potentially causing a tailstrike, inability to climb, or loss of control. Immediate crew intervention is required,” the Civil Aviation Administration of Canada said in an airworthiness directive.
« Airbus Canada has issued Flight Operations Transmission (FOT) A220-FOT-22-00-001, the following information provides operational recommendations and procedures for autothrottle controller selection and in the event of an autothrottle shutdown during takeoff operators should be aware of that the autothrottle cannot be reactivated if it is interrupted on takeoff above 60 knots (kts) and below 400 feet. The crew should not attempt to re-engage the autopilot if it WILL be disengaged during takeoff as this may result in an unsafe condition when the autopilot engages. This AD requires an amendment to the flight manual to include a new warning regarding engaging the autopilot on takeoff,” reads the directive.
The post Airbus A220: Canada Issues Urgent Safety Notice appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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