Camping holidays have experienced a real renaissance since the beginning of the corona pandemic. The course operators record increasing usage figures every year. The previous record, which was achieved in 2022, was exceeded again in the 2023 season.
According to Statistics Austria, Austrian campsites had around 8.3 million overnight stays last year, exceeding the record number achieved in 2022 by six percent. However, the growth is not distributed linearly across the federal states; there are sometimes considerable differences.
The most common place for camping was in Carinthia (2,532,941 overnight stays) – despite slight deviations in the number of overnight stays compared to 2022. Tyrol is just behind with 2,300,816 overnight stays. Salzburg comes in third place (951,283), followed by Styria (716,583). In Upper Austria and Burgenland there was a similar frequency of camping with around 497,072 and 478,518 nights respectively. Vorarlberg counted 455,223 and Lower Austria 292,896 nights, in Vienna 104,222 were spent overnight on campsites or parking spaces. In the 2023 camping season, site operators in eastern Austria in particular were able to enjoy significantly more overnight stays: they increased the most compared to the previous year – by around 40 percent in Burgenland and by around 60 percent in Vienna.
“The enthusiasm for the camping lifestyle is growing and the advantages – especially the flexibility and the feeling of freedom – are being appreciated by more and more people.” “Besenders is pleased that this is also reflected in the ever-increasing number of memberships – We currently have more than 13,000 ÖCC members,” says Tomas Mehlmauer, President of the Austrian Camping Club (ÖCC). “Aside from the local campsites, Croatia, Italy, Scandinavia and Greece are particularly popular travel destinations for Austrian campers.” When it comes to long-distance trips with campers etc., the USA, Canada, Iceland, Australia and New Zealand are very popular.”
Overview of the camping nights in Austria:
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Carinthia | 2,190,000 | 2,380,000 | 2,660,000 | 2,530,000 |
Tyrol | 1,470,000 | 1,520,000 | 2,110,000 | 2,300,000 |
Salzburg | 600,000 | 630,000 | 860,000 | 950,000 |
Styria | 470,000 | 570,000 | 670,000 | 720,000 |
OO | 330,000 | 340,000 | 450,000 | 500,000 |
Burgenland | 340,000 | 340,000 | 340,000 | 480,000 |
Vorarlberg | 360,000 | 340,000 | 440,000 | 460,000 |
NO | 220,000 | 220,000 | 250,000 | 290000 |
Vienna | 28,000 | 34,000 | 65,000 | 100,000 |
In total | 6,008,000 | 6,374,000 | 7,845,000 | 8,330,000 |
The post Austria: Campsites report new record values appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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