The Chinese Tourism Academy expects that around 90 million tourists will either visit China or travel abroad in the current year 2023. As a result, a high demand in the area of flight tickets is expected.
The People’s Republic of China has begun to abandon its once-strict zero-Covid policy in recent weeks. The entry and quarantine regulations have also been massively relaxed, making it much easier for both residents and tourists to travel in this state.
As a result, many airlines are resuming flights in the world’s second-largest economy or increasing the number of existing flights. British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, Swiss and KLM have all presented official plans to resume flights to China or add to existing flights in their schedules.
Reuters reports that the projected 90 million inbound and outbound tourists will double year-on-year and come in at 31.5 percent of pre-pandemic levels. Domestic tourism is expected to bring in $580.8 billion, up 95 percent year-on-year and reaching 71 percent of 2019 levels. Overall, the number of domestic tourists IS expected to reach around 4.55 billion.
« The tourism market is expected to enter a new channel of expected strengthening in the second quarter, and the summer vacation is expected to usher in a full recovery, » according to the report by the China Tourism Academy.
The article China expects around 90 million tourists first on Aviation.Direct.
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