For the Turkish leisure airline Corendon, the summer of 2023 does not seem to have gone according to plan. The group had its own information about significant additional costs due to the sharp rise in fuel prices and the sometimes acute shortage of staff at European airports.
In an internal circular published by, the management announces further measures. Among other things, it reads: « During the winter season, high inflation in Europe, economic and social uncertainties, the energy crisis, tour operators’ low expectations for this period, the expected global recession and the weakening of watchers asking about fuel prices and staff shortages at airports has prompted many airlines to overhaul their operations, as we have done. A number of financial, organizational and operational measures have been taken to bring our cash flow back to a healthy level for the winter and next summer. Because of these actions, we believe that 2023 will be a positive one for our company, our employees and all of our stakeholders. »
The post Corendon announced measures to improve cash flow and appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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