After more than 20 years of service, Michael Eggenschwiler, CEO of Hamburg Airport, will retire at the end of 2023. Symbolically, the baton has already been handed over to Christian Kunsch and Berit Schmitz.
“I consider it a great honor that I have been able to help shape the past almost 21 years here at Hamburg Airport.” During this time, I was able to achieve a lot together with our team: the terminals, the plaza and the cargo center were newly built, the apron in ongoing operations have been fundamentally renewed, and we have further expanded our pioneering role in the environmental sector in the industry. “The course for the future has been set here,” says Michael Eggenschwiler. “The most important thing for me was always how great the people understood each other as a strong team – as an airport family.” So we not only celebrated successes, but also mastered challenging times professionally side by side.”
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