Leipzig/Halle Airport is reorganizing its parking system; new parking regulations will come into force from January 2023.
The three priority lanes in front of Terminal B will be subject to a fee and restricted. Areas for contract customers such as taxis, transfer vehicles or GAT guests in lanes 1 and 2 can be assigned more clearly and are more usable for these customer groups.
Innovations for passengers and visitors
In the first ten minutes, lane 3 in the priority area for « Kiss & Fly » can be used free of charge by private individuals. For example, certain people who arrive by car and want to bring or pick up passengers can continue to stop directly at the terminal without additional costs.
When driving through the barrier system to the right-of-way lanes, the vehicle’s license plate number is automatically recorded. If you stay on track 3 for up to ten minutes, you can exit directly free of charge. The system recognizes the respective vehicle based on the license plate number. If it takes more than ten minutes, the fees can be paid either at a pay station in the terminal or when exiting with cash, card or contactless. The payment is then stored in the system with the license plate and the exit barrier opens.
Collectors who need more time can use the P1 car park directly opposite the terminal. The first ten minutes are also free of charge in this car park. If you park for 30 or 60 minutes, the parking fees here are 2 or 3 euros.
The article Leipzig/Halle Airport regulates new short-term parking times first appeared on Aviation.Direct.
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