Lufthansa Frotes apparently praise about the minority stake in the SPALLE FLISTERSCHAFT AIR Europe. According to a report by the Spanish newspaper « The Economist », the acquisition should be a stock package of around 20 percent. An official statement by Lufthansa has so far.
Air Europa has been going on since the. Eu-commission has had concerns about the complete integration into dying IAG Groruppe, the airline also has to state the Corona aids in hell of 475 Mileen Eurouck numbers and therefore BENTIDT HIMPLE.
Lufthansa pursues strategic goals with a possible participation. Air Europa is steaming through a strong route network of South South America and a competitive Kostestrukur. The German Group, which has recently been entered by ITA Airways, could be expanded with a division of its presence on the Demz American market. In addition to Air Europe, investments will also be an air -Baltic and Tap Air Portugal as a possible sewnest step.
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