The year 2024 represents a milestone in Vienna’s city tourism. After the dramatic slumps during the pandemic, the Austrian capital has not only recovered, but also achieved the best tourism results in its history.
With a record number of 8,169,000 arrivals, an increase of 11 percent compared to the previous year, and 18,865,000 overnight stays (+9%), the city became a hotspot for international guests last year. This not only means an upswing for the tourism sector, but also a significant increase in Vienna’s economic income.
A record year in tourism: overnight stays and sales soaring
The figures for 2024 speak for themselves: Vienna’s accommodation providers recorded an impressive increase in sales, which already exceeded the 1 billion euro mark in October. “For the first time in Vienna’s history, overnight stays have reached this peak before the end of the year,” says Peter Hanke, President of Vienna Tourism and City Councilor for Economic Affairs. The first sales for the months January to November 2024 were over 1.2 million euros 12 months ago. For comparison: In 2023 as a whole, this was 1.24 billion euros.
A particularly noteworthy aspect of this success is the strong growth in overnight sales in relation to actual overnight stays, which also recorded an increase of 9 percent compared to the previous year. It can also be seen that Vienna not only attracts more guests, but also encourages them to consume more – a trend that is noticeable in the high-priced segments of the hotel industry. This underlines the increasing importance of Vienna as a destination for discerning international tourists, especially from the USA.
Foreign market: The USA as a driving force
The American market continues to show unbroken dynamism. With a 17 percent increase in overnight stays from the USA compared to the previous year, Vienna has further expanded its position as one of the preferred travel destinations for North American guests. Flying in connections such as Austrian Airlines’ new route to Boston has certainly helped drive this development. These guests not only ensure high numbers of overnight stays, but also high spending in the upscale hotel segments in Vienna. In terms of sales, the USA is now in the upper range of the 5-star hotel industry and is an important economic factor for the city.
In addition to the USA, the markets in Europe also continued to be of great importance. With 3.46 million overnight stays, Germany remains by far the largest market for Vienna, followed by Austria itself with 3.35 million overnight stays. The British market (+17%) and Italy (+14%) are also showing strong growth, indicating that the Austrian capital is becoming increasingly attractive not only for long-distance travelers, but also for European holidaymakers and business travelers.
Diversification of target markets: Asia is showing movement
In the Asian region, Vienna saw the first positive signs of recovery in 2024. China in particular is showing an impressive growth rate with an increase of 79 percent in overnight stays, even if the level is still around 43 percent below the previous peak compared to the pre-pandemic times. Nevertheless, by increasing overnight stay sales in the upper price segment, China has already managed to enter the top 10 most important markets in terms of sales. Japan and South Korea also recorded increases, albeit to a somewhat smaller extent.
In Southeast Asia, the upcoming expansion of the connection from Singapore to Vienna is a further signal of the growing importance of the Asian market. Scoot airline’s new flight, starting in June 2025, is expected to further strengthen ties with this dynamic region.
With 40,900 rooms and 81,800 beds in 2024, the Vienna hotel market will exceed the supply in 2019 and thus recorded an increase in capacity of around 20 percent. Vienna is therefore better positioned than ever before to accommodate major international events, congresses and conferences. This is all the more remarkable since 60 percent of hotel beds are in the high-quality 4 and 5 star categories. The high capacity and quality of the hotels make Vienna an ideal location for conferences and cultural events. A total of over 250 events with more than 1,000 participants were expected in 2024, including international congresses that will position Vienna as an outstanding conference location.
The role of tourism as an economic engine
“Vienna’s tourism has not only recovered economically, but it also plays an important role as a motor for the city’s entire economy,” emphasizes Norbert Kettner, Director of Vienna Tourism. Tourism is not only an important source of income for the city, but also has positive spillover effects on neighboring industries such as trade. December 2024 in particular showed how much tourism boosted retail, with additional sales of 1.15 billion euros compared to the previous year. The labor market also benefited from booming tourism, as numerous jobs were created and secured.
Despite the ongoing uncertain global economic situation, Vienna has proven to be crisis-resistant. Culture-based tourism in particular attracts an affluent audience who are more willing to travel in times of crisis. Vienna Tourism expects another strong year for 2025, also thanks to a marketing budget of 15.5 million euros, which is specifically aimed at the largest international markets.
Marketing and the importance of the culinary scene
Culinary cuisine is also an important part of Vienna’s tourism strategy. Vienna has established itself as an attractive food destination in recent years and was ranked among the top 10 in the global ranking of the best cities for culinary delights in 2024. For 2026, WienTourismus plans to use the city’s culinary diversity as a central part of its marketing strategy. In addition to art and culture, Viennese cuisine is increasingly becoming a main attraction for international guests.
The culinary offerings, the exceptional architecture and the cultural diversity make Vienna one of the leading city destinations in Europe and the world.
Vienna is on record as a tourism destination
The year 2024 not only put Vienna on the map as a tourist destination, but also provided a significant economic boost. With a clear focus on high-priced target groups, diversified markets and a constant improvement of the tourist infrastructure, the city has established itself as one of the most successful travel destinations in Europe.
The strong growth in overnight stay sales, the high demand from the USA and the positive development in Asia confirm that Vienna’s tourism industry is on a stable foundation. The successful marketing of the city as a cultural and congress center as well as a culinary capital should ensure that Vienna continues to play a leading role in international tourism in the coming years.
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