On Saturday, December 21, 2024, Austrian Airlines opened this year’s winter flight connections between Hamburg and Klagenfurt with an Embraer 195 landing on time. The fully occupied plane brought over 100 passengers to Carinthia in southern Austria, marking the start of a seasonal flight route that is already enjoying great popularity in its second year.
The new non-stop connection between Hamburg and Klagenfurt will be offered every Saturday until March 22, 2025. With a flight of just over an hour, it offers a quick and comfortable way to travel from the Hanseatic city directly to the Alpine region of Carinthia.
Maximilian Wildt, Managing Director of Klagenfurt Airport, emphasized the importance of this route: “The continuation and expansion of this connection shows the trust that Austrian Airlines has in the region and the Carinthian market.” It is an important connection for incoming tourist traffic to Carinthia, However, it also offers our local travelers ideal options for city trips.”
The Hamburg-Klagenfurt connection starts strategically before Christmas and covers both the German Christmas holidays and the highly demanded Hamburg winter holidays. In addition to tourists from northern Germany, Carinthian travelers also benefit from the direct connection to one of the most famous cities in Germany. In addition, Austrian Airlines is expanding its accessibility to worldwide destinations with daily connections via Vienna.
Flight schedule and booking options
Flights on this route operate at lunchtime. The details:
- OS283: Departure Klagenfurt 11:10 a.m., arrival Hamburg 12:50 p.m
- OS284: Departure Hamburg 1:35 p.m., arrival Klagenfurt 3:15 p.m
All times are local and subject to change. Bookings are possible via the Austrian Airlines website and in travel agencies.
Klagenfurt Airport: The offer is slowly growing
Klagenfurt Airport is increasingly developing into a regional hub for regional and international connections. In addition to the new Hamburg flights, the airport offers up to 13 weekly connections to Vienna with Austrian Airlines all year round. In addition, further highlights are planned for 2025:
- SkyAlps: From May onwards twice a week to Hanover.
- Eurowings: Flights to Cologne will resume from May.
- Ryanair: Year-round connection with London Stansted as well as summer flights to Alicante and Palma de Mallorca.
- Springer travel: Direct flights to Paros in summer.
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