China Eastern Airlines is the first airline in China to use the C919 narrow-body aircraft on an international route. From January 2025, daily flights between Shanghai and Hong Kong will be offered. The move marks a significant step forward for China in its efforts to establish the C919 as a serious competitor to the leading aircraft models from Boeing and Airbus in global markets.
So far, the C919 has only flown on domestic routes because Hong Kong aviation regulations place requirements on foreign aircraft. But with China Eastern Airlines’ international routes, the C919 is now on the international market and can be used. The introduction of the C919 on this route supports Chinese manufacturer COMAC’s long-term goal of achieving international certifications and expanding the aircraft’s presence beyond China.
Considered a technologically advanced model, the C919 is being developed by COMAC, a Chinese company that aims to reduce dependence on Western aircraft manufacturers. The project has far-reaching significance for the Chinese aviation industry and could have a significant impact on the global aviation market, which is currently dominated by Boeing and Airbus.
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