The airline Air India plans to increase its fleet by 12 machines. These are Airbus A320neo and Boeing 777, which are to be obtained from lessors. These aircraft are scheduled to be added to an order communicated on September 12, 2022.
Shortly after the takeover by Tata Sons, it became known that the Air India fleet should be modernized as quickly as possible. In September 2022, Air India signed leases for 25 Airbus narrowbodies and five Boeing widebody aircraft. These should be put into service from the end of 2022. The new additions include 21 Airbus A320neos, four A321neos and five Boeing 777-200LRs.
Now they are of the opinion that the 30 ordered jets will not get by and they WILL lease 12 more machines. Numerous handovers are pending in the coming year, as the five B777-200LR are scheduled to be flown in between December 2022 and March 2023. The four A321neo will be taken over in the first quarter of 2023. The 21 Airbus A320neo will follow from the second half of 2023.
The schedule for the incorporation of the additional 12 machines and their exact composition has not yet been determined. Air India IS EXPECTED to comment further on this shortly. Recently it was announced that it will merge with Vistara. This makes Singapore Airlines the major shareholder. Subsidiary Air India Express will be merged with Air Asia India, also owned by Tata Sons.
The post Air India at least 12 other aircraft appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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