The cessation of production of the Boeing 747 means that the US aircraft manufacturer is using the capacities at the Everett site for other purposes. One will be raised at this plant for the production line for the B737 Max series.
In the meantime, die was informed via an internal memo that 737 Max production is being expanded in Everett. Management currently assumes that the additional final assembly line will be commissioned in the course of the second half of 2024. This should significantly increase the monthly production rate.
This machine type, which is the best-selling in the portfolio, is currently only assembled at the Renton site. The plant has three production lines. The Boeing 747 was manufactured in Everett until recently, but production has ended. The last aircraft will be handed over to Atlas Air on January 31, 2023. Other types of aircraft assembled in Everett include the B767 and B777.
The article assembles Boeing B737-Max in the future also in Everett appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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