Dubai’s main airport, Dubai International Airport (DXB), forecast for next year and new passenger record. According to figures released by operator Dubai Airports on Tuesday, passenger traffic increased by 8.4 percent in the first quarter compared to the previous year.
In the period from January to March, DXB handled around 23 million passengers, the operator said in a statement. This increase is attributed, among other things, to the expanded flight offerings of the home airline Emirates and its sister company Flydubai.
CEO Paul Griffiths expressed optimism about the outlook for the rest of the year, raising the forecast for total passenger traffic to 91 million, which would exceed the previous traffic record of 89.1 million in 2018.
DXB is connected to 256 destinations in 102 countries, with India, Saudi Arabia and the UK being the top three countries with the highest passenger traffic in the first quarter. Dubai, as the largest tourism and trade hub in the Middle East, is looking to further expand its position.
Last month, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai, announced a new passenger terminal at Al Maktoum International Airport. With a capacity of up to 260 million passengers, Al Maktoum is set to become the world’s largest airport, surpassing DXB five times in size. All operations from DXB are planned to be relocated to Al Maktoum in the next few years.
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