The Austrian air traffic control Austro Control is again looking for people who are interested in training to become air traffic controllers. An information day took place on October 7, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
At the location Schnirchgasse 7, 1030 Vienna, ask if you are interested in the information. What tasks do air traffic controllers have, how does the selection process and training work, how large do the safety distances between aircraft have to be, how does a radar work, who gives take-off or landing clearance and how much do you earn? Air traffic controllers answer all of these questions and many more personally, live and on site in the Austro Control visitor center. Tours in the 360° tower simulator from Austro Control provide a fascinating insight into the practical training.
Tower simulator tours are also offered. To do this, you must register in advance at We are looking for young people of the ideal age between 17 and 26 with a high school diploma who enjoy working in a team and are stress-resistant. The prerequisite for admission is passing a multi-stage selection process with a final assessment center and a positive aviation medical check.
The training lasts around three years and takes place at the Austro Control training center in Vienna. Austro Control takes on up to 40 trainees per year. Applications are possible at any time:
The post Tip: Applicant Day at Austro Control appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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