The travel group has set binding targets for the airlines, hotels and cruise ships by 2030.
The Tui airlines, which account for around 80 percent of the group’s own emissions, are expected to fall by 24 percent by then compared to the 2019 value. There should be a reduction of at least 46.2 percent in the hotel segment and 27.5 percent in the cruise lines. Among other things, investments in modern aircraft, energy savings in all areas, the promotion of local shopping for hotels and the use of sustainable fuels for cruise ships are planned. According to the German online portal Aero, Tui is also sticking to its previously set goal of delaying the launch of climate-neutral cruises by 2030.
In view of climate change, the travel industry has been criticized by environmentalists, since air travel and cruises, among other things, cause high emissions of greenhouse gases that are harmful to the climate.
The contribution Tui increased measures for climate-friendly travel first appeared on Aviation.Direct.
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