In December 2022, the number of travelers will fall by almost 500,000 compared to November.
In total, the German airports count 12.02 million arriving and departing passengers. Compared to the pre-crisis level of 2019, the volume was 70.6 percent of travelers. The recovery in German passenger numbers, measured against the pre-crisis level from 2019, was well below the European average: Europe-wide air traffic demand had already recovered to 87 percent in December. At 114,616 take-offs and landings, the number of commercial flight movements was 5.3 percent above the previous year’s figure. In 2019, almost three quarters of the opposite commercial flights were operated.
From January to December, more than 165.05 million passengers were counted at German airports. At +110.09 percent, the airports recorded intensive growth compared to the previous year – but they are still 34.1 percent short of the pre-crisis level in 2019.
In contrast, air freight demand in December fell by almost 14,000 tons compared to November. At 409,580 tons, around 17.3 percent less freight was handled compared to the strong previous year. The logistics chains have meanwhile adjusted to the airspace closures. “The lack of overflight rights results in significantly longer flight routes in the Asian markets, which is a significant burden on air freight logistics. The uncertain overall economic situation is putting a strain on the global supply chains, » says the airport association ADV.
The article December 2022: Low passenger volume in the winter scheduling period appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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