The US company United Airlines will again fly between New York-Newark and Palma de Mallorca in the 2023 summer flight schedule. According to the company, high yields were achieved with satisfactory capacity utilization in the previous year.
From the end of May 2023, the carrier will again fly three times a week between the US metropolis and the Balearic Islands. As a rule, a Boeing 767-300ER should be used as the aircraft. On board these aircraft, United Airlines offers 30 seats in business, 46 in economy plus and 138 in economy class.
The current plan is for the seasonal route to be offered by the end of September 2023. In the previous year, the non-stop connection was offered from the beginning of June 2022. For many years, Mallorca’s tourism management had previously tried to get flights to the USA resumed. United Airlines was found to have a sympathetic ear and in the summer of last year the carrier took the risk – initially on a trial basis.
In general, the Balearic Islands want to inspire more tourists from North America to vacation on their islands. Hear it differently: You want to open up new markets and probably affluent customers, because Mallorca in particular has been trying to shake off the image as a ballermann-drinking vacation spot for Germans for several years. This is also reflected in the insidious, sharp rise in prices.
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