Most people are outraged when liquids and electronic items have to be stolen from hand luggage for the purpose of a security check. However, security checks of this kind should soon be a thing of the past – thanks to the so-called Super Scanner. Zurich Airport is planning to revise the procedure for such controls.
During a trip, or before a trip, one has the knowledge that the flight could take some time, be it due to security checks or flight delays. But the first problem should now be eliminated – by so-called super scanners. This makes it possible to refrain from opening the hand luggage during a screening process, and no laptops or liquids can be taken out of the hand luggage immediately in order to be able to carry out the screening successfully.
As Frankfurt Airport was able to demonstrate in a test, this process saves a considerable amount of time. You can clearly check per passenger per hour using the new 3D scanner. According to various media reports, other airports are also planning to introduce them in the next few years. Convert most Italian airports as well as the UK.
The article Zurich Airport: 3D scanners should save time during checks appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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