Azores Airlines is expected to be privatized by October 2023. The separation from the parent company Sata is already being prepared. The regional government of the Azores also decided to take this step on the basis of specifications that were partly made by the EU Commission as a result of state aid granted.
However, they also have certain ideas about potential buyers, because they will ensure that Azores Airlines can maintain the jobs and continue to be able to meet so-called public service obligations. There are currently no plans to privatize the regional airline Sata.
First up is the government and parliament. According to Duarte Freitas, Minister of Finance, Planning and Public Administration, the so-called task book will initially be approved until probably the end of February 2023. Beginning to bring negotiations with potential buyers to a positive conclusion « by September or October 2023 ».
A private sale is not planned, because the privatization is being advertised. Bidders can then submit their bids within a certain period. The regional government will then enter into exclusive negotiations with the provider that is considered optimal. If everything goes according to plan, it should be clear by October 2023 who Azores Airlines will go to. In comparable cases, there have always been delays in the past and it is not unlikely that this privatization might not work out right away either.
Initially, 51 percent of Azores Airlines’ share capital is to be sold. According to the regional government, the tender will contain a passage that WILL contain an employment guarantee for a certain period of time. This is intended to create trust in the workforce, which is likely to face privatization. Furthermore, there should be a requirement that Azores Airlines must apply to any public tender published in connection with PSO routes between the Azores and the mainland. They also want the links between Lisbon and Porto and the islands of Sao Miguel and Terceira, as well as the connection to the Azorean diaspora in North America, and the company’s headquarters to remain in the Azores « for a certain period of time ».
Post Azores Airlines to be privatized by October 2023 first appeared on Aviation.Direct.
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