Weeze Airport welcomed over 375,000 passengers during the North Westphalian summer holidays in 2024, an increase of more than 25% compared to the previous year.
The number of flights also rose by over 20% to more than 1,000 departures. This positive development underlines the increasing popularity of the airport, which is used both for holiday trips and for visiting friends and relatives.
According to Sebastian Papst, CEO of the airport, the airport plans to further expand its flight offering in order to be able to offer passengers even more travel destinations. Even after the end of the North Rhine-Westphalia summer holidays, the airport expects high demand, especially from travelers from other federal states and the Netherlands, whose summer holidays end later.
The next big wave of travel is expected at the start of the autumn holidays in North Rhine-Westphalia on October 14th, followed by the Dutch “Herfstvakantie” from October 26th.
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