The Austrian Federal Railways are currently causing angry passengers in the area of their night trains, because despite reservations, it often happens that the respective carriage does not even exist. There is no information in advance so that this « surprise » only comes on the spot.
In aviation, it sometimes happens that reserved seats have to be changed at the gate. In most cases, the cause is that a different machine type is used at short notice. This is particularly annoying when you have paid extra for it or even downgraded it. Also, for example, fly economy class, although you have paid for business. In such a case, compensation is due, but not if it is simply a matter of a seat reservation that was not kept. In any case, the money paid for it can be recovered.
In the case of the Austrian Federal Railways, however, the problem is more extensive, because the number of passengers affected is significantly greater if one or more wagons are missing than in an airplane. It’s almost never before in aviation that instead of flying an Airbus A380, a de Havilland Dash 8-400 would fly.
Far too few wagons for too much supply
The ÖBB currently simply has too little rolling stock to carry out the night train program promoted and subsidized by Austria’s Minister of Transport Leonore Gewessler (Greens) in the same way as tickets are offered in sales. It happens that a wagon has a short-term defect and has to be taken out of service for repairs for safety reasons. Even in aviation, despite intensive maintenance, it is unavoidable that shortly before take-off a small light comes on that should not light up and therefore cannot be flown with the aircraft concerned.
In the area of Nightjet trains, however, this is not the only reason, because official information according to ÖBB « up to 21 trainsets » are missing. That is an impressive number, because there are hardly any back-up wagons available in this segment anyway. The consequence of the acute shortage is that whole carriages are always missing, passengers cannot use their booked compartments and are confronted with downgrades. For example, it has already happened that a six-person seating area has been allocated instead of the private sleeping compartment. The alternative would have been: stay at home.
In view of the fact that the night train tickets are sold at absolutely high prices despite high government subsidies, which Leonore Gewessler in particular, who despite her passion for traveling on business with “need airlines” is an ardent supporter of night train connections, many passengers are massively annoyed. In addition, in the case of downgrades, the reimbursement of the difference can be quite complicated, because simply going to the station counter with the ticket and a confirmation from the conductor and getting the money in cash is not an option. Of course, this requires a specialist department and that can take time.
Delivery delays have been known for a long time
The Austrian Federal Railways obviously did not pay attention to the fact that new Nightjet sets are not being received or will not be received in good time. has been admitted, responds. Sales had to be kept to a minimum because there was not enough rolling stock available. But that was not done and there could possibly be some form of political pressure behind it, because « bad news » in connection with night trains simply does not fit the ideal of the « climate protection minister ».
The delivery delays have not only been known since yesterday, but have been for a much longer time. Actually, the first newly built Nightjet trains should have been handed over by Siemens to ÖBB in autumn 2022. Last year Gewessler announced that they would initially be used in the direction of Italy. The fact that there was a massive delay was not communicated in more detail.
Siemens states that the handover of the first new buildings to the Austrian Federal Railways will be delayed by about a year. There is a chain of causes behind it. For example, there is talk that the international supply chains were disrupted, that there were many corona cases at the Simmering plant in winter 2021/22 and last but not least: the official approvals are dragging on like leather. ÖBB does not expect the green light to be there before October 2022 either. After all, some of the new Nightjets are already finished and are occasionally on the road without passengers for approval journeys. It is hoped that six new night trains can be put into service in late autumn 2023 and seven are expected for the coming year.
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